Carpet Cleaning

We  were taught  and operate using the hot water extracted method, we pre-spray the entire carpet and treat it for stain's and soil, if extra elbow work is need we bring down a buffer with a brush attachment to scrub all traffic lane & stains affect ares before its seam cleaned. For a proper drying, we recommend to leave windows open and turn on any fan's to speed up the drying process, at night time you may turn on the heater, estimated time is anywere form 12-24 hours.

Water Restoration

Leaks and water damage are taken very seriously we like to be meticulous and be straight forward, our phone is 24/7 if we don't pick please leave a detail message and someone will get back to you as soon as posible,  we tend to show up on the job site with equipment ready to work. If its something we can take care of we will do it, if not we will guide you in the right direction to go, we have accurate pin & pin less moisture detectors to search and verify moisture reading, we have a vast majority of industrial equipment of drying blowers and dehumidifiers. 


Carpet Repair

Repairs come in all different shapes and sizes from missing carpet grabbers to having carpet wrinkles that need to Power Stretched, To having a dog or cat tear up a carpet and in need of a patch, to having a carpet lift up, not tucked in place, to carpet fiber separating, to complex carpet re-seaming, we do them all. Need a repair? e-mail us a picture, we will get back to you with rough estimate and a recommend procedure.